Lior Dahan: Owner
Lior's gardening journey began on a family farm, having no idea what she got herself into, found herself thoroughly enjoying it. The members on the farm were primarily self sufficient, growing most of what they ate and bartering for what they did not have. There biggest bartering product was the milk, cheese and yogurt they produced with the 80 goats they cared for. This volunteer opportunity quickly turned into a farm stay, living and working with the land for about a year. And that was all Lior did for another couple of years working and living on different family owned farms. Until she returned back to San Jose, unsure what she was going to do with all the knowledge she had learned over the past couples of years, slowly started transforming friends backyards into edible oases. All the while slowly discovering the world of fine gardening, edible landscaping, water wise gardens and California native plants and after completing her degree in Environmental Horticulture in 2019 started Rhythmic Gardening.
Rhythmic gardening is an ecological garden maintenance service aimed at working with nature to heal soil, grow food and healthy plants.